Sunday, September 26, 2010

Post #1 Characters

According to our red Reader's Handbook, a character is a person, animal, or an imaginary creature that takes part in the action of a story.  An author can develop a character by describing several aspects of the character: 
  • how the character looks
  • how the character acts, feels, and talks
  • how others feel about the character
  • how the character interacts with others
  1. After reading the first quarter of the novel, choose one word to describe the main character of the story. 
  2. Next, explain why you chose that word.  Use an aspect from the list above to help support your word choice.  See the example below. 
  3. Finally, respond to a classmate's comment.  Agree or disagree with their word choice and explain why. 

I chose the word 'caring' to describe Timothy from the novel, The Cay. I chose this word because of what he said to Phillip on the raft.  He said, "Put your 'ead back downg, young bahss, an' rest awhile longer.  Do not look direct at d'sun.  'Tis too powerful."
I agree with Sam's comment about Timothy being 'accepting.'  He shows this when he said"..but I true tink beneath d'skin is all d'same."


  1. I chose the words 'smart' and 'out cast' to describe Dewey in the novel, The Green Glass Sea.
    I chose these words to describe her because she is always working on something new. Whether it is a radio or re-reading a book. I also chose the word 'out cast' because in this book a girl named Suze and her friends made fun of her because all she does is find so called junk to them in the junk yard to work on what she is working on.
    - Anna Marie S.

  2. Mechanic. I chose this word because dewey always goes to the dump and searches for cool things
    Spencer L

  3. "nerd" i chose this word because she loves to read about science, she likes to build and she wears glasses.

    Jason P period 7

  4. i chose the word "curious" to describe Dewey because when she was in the train she looked around and stuff...i agree with Anna Marie S because she is always reading.

    ~Lauren H :)

  5. i would pick "outsider" because she is smaller than everyone, smarter than everyone and she goes through some tough times, but blows right past them just as strong as a solder.


  6. The word I would choose to describe Dewey is "peculiar" because she always is building things like radios and alarm clocks and I agree with Ann Marie saying that she is "smart" because she takes math with high schoolers. I also agree with Spencer that Dewey is "Mechanic" because she is always playing with small metal parts. Also Lauren that Dewey is "Curious" because she is curious about everything. I disagree with Jason because that is mean and if you continue in the book you will find out that it isn't true and just because you have glasses it doesn't make you a nerd. I kinda agree with anonymous person because she is kinda an "outsider" but in the future of the book it is untrue at least in some situations.

  7. green glass sea is awesome and in the charaacter map things we did today i woulda put me and for what everyone thinks about me i would put "he is awesome"

  8. I chose the word "clever" to describe Dewey because she is always building things and her radio alarm clock was very complicated but it worked when she tried it.

    TREVOR T. (+[___]::) psp :)

  9. I chose the word 'spoiled' to describe Suze. I chose this word to describe her because she dosent like being proven wrong, like when she tried the short cut through the motor pool and Betty didnt think it would work, but it did.
    Evan M.

  10. GREEN GLASS SEA i chose the word interesting for dewey because she is very smart abd clever and i just thought she was very interesting in that feild of life. by the name of AlEx MaTtEy!

  11. I would discibe Dewey as smart and inventive because she built the first clock raidio, and she was able to read in code when she was little. -Matthew H.(is awesome!)

  12. I think through everything that has happened in the green glass sea book so far Suze and Dewey are getting a long a lot better. I mean she went to the dump even stuck up for Dewey as for her self. The are getting each other, understanding. Anna M. S. 1 period

  13. I think deweys nice but everyone else calls her screwy dewey. By the way ALEx MaTtEy, you spell and a-n-d not abd


  14. I agree a lot with Jacob when he said "The word I would choose to describe Dewey is "peculiar" because she always is building things like radios and alarm clocks." I totally agree along with what Anna Marie said "I chose these words to describe her because she is always working on something new. Whether it is a radio or re-reading a book." Many of the people reading Green Glass Sea are very creative,


  15. The word i chose for dewey is "loner" because she seens a little distant and lonely a times. But i'm glad that suze is "connecting" with dewey as a friend, and jarod p. i happen to think that people with glasses look smarter the others. :)

    Maddie A.
