Sunday, September 26, 2010

Evaluate It

Please comment on this post after you have finished reading the book.  What did you think about it?
Respond to one or all of these evaluation questions.  Please react to the comments of your classmates.  Agree or disagree with them.
  1. What did you learn after reading this book?
  2. Which character was most memorable and why?
  3. Can you relate the story to your own life?
  4. Would you recommend this book to a friend? why or why not?
  5. How would you rate this book?


  1. I know that we weren't supposed to finish the book but i got bored in stury hall and you get the picture. If i rated this book i would give it a 4 and a half star because iven though i liked this book it didn't capture me into the story all the way like some other books i've read. I learned that many people had to make many sacrifices in world war two and some important characters die (Jim Kerrigan which is Deweys dad) I can sorta relate this story to my own life because i've had to move a lot and some moves have been further that St. Louis to New Mexico. I have moved seven times and the longest move i've ever done was california to maryland and i've rode in a car for i think more miles than st. Louis to new Mexico. It was when we drove to salt Lake City in Utah from Michigan.
    I would reccomend this to a friend because it is a good all around book. I think that the most memorable character for me is Suze because she reminds me of my older brother. She likes to show people what she can do and threatens people whaen they go against her.

  2. I tottaly agree with that, this book is so good I almost read it last night after my football game but it was almost ten so I thought I should go to sleep, but it was so tempting to read! But I'm already ahead. One thing I like about this book is how the author uses discriptive details, it really helps you picture what's happening in the book.-Matthew H. 6th period

  3. I disagree. I give it 5 stars. I disagree because I skimmed over the fourth half and I got more out of it
    Spencer L

  4. i think the book waz so good i would like to read the second one

    emily m 6 block

  5. my favorite character is Dewey because i think she is very interesting....i realllllllly want to read the next should give this as an option for book clubs next year!

    ~LAUREN H~ PERIOD 7 :)

  6. 1. I learned what life was like on The Hill.
    2. I thenk it is Suze because she changed the most.
    3. No.
    4. Yes. I think this book is a great one.
    5. 5 stars.

    Trevor T. Block 1

  7. there is a sequel to green glass sea. it is called "white sands, red menace".

    Trevor T. Block 1
